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EINA, University of Zaragoza     Dept. of Electrical Engineering       C/ Maria de Luna 3
50018 Zaragoza, Spain

Email                             jmyusta@unizar.es  jadona@unizar.es

Phone: +34 976 761 922


The REDCRIT research lab is composed of 2 senior researchers and a number of junior researchers coming from different countries.

Jose M. Yusta, PhD    ( official CV )

Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of University of Zaragoza, Spain, since 2003.

IEEE Senior Member. Visiting Scientist at the Joint Research Center of the European Comission in Petten, The Netherlands, unit “Energy security, systems and markets”, 2019. 

  • Director of the University of Zaragoza Chair in Energy Communitieshttp://catedracomunidadesenergeticas.unizar.es
  • Director of the University of Zaragoza Chair in Municipal Energy Transitionhttp://catedratem.unizar.es
  • Director of the University of Zaragoza Chair ISDEFE in Energyhttps://otri.unizar.es/catedra/catedra-isdefe-en-energia
  • 60 scientific articles published in JCR ranked journals. 80 conference contributions.
  • He has been involved in 48 competitive R&D projects and 70 contracts.
  • Supervisor of 10 PhD theses and 125 graduate and postgraduate theses.
  • Vicedean of the School of Engineering – University of Zaragoza (2004-2007).
  • Member of the board and secretary of the Association of Professional Engineers in Aragon and La Rioja (2005-2017).
  • He has given more than 150 technical courses and presentations in 15 countries. More than 200 press mentions and contributions in newspapers, radio and TV in the last five years.
  • His areas of scientific interest are electricity markets, renewables integration and critical energy infrastructures.


Jose A. Dominguez-Navarro, PhD   ( official CV )

Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of University of Zaragoza, Spain, since 2003.

Research stays at the INESCN research center in Oporto (Portugal) in 1993, at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (United Kingdom) in 2013, and at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (Norway) in 2015.

  • 19 scientific articles published in JCR ranked journals. 36 conference contributions.
  • He has been involved in many competitive R&D projects and contracts.
  • Supervisor of 8 PhD theses.
  • Head of Department of Electrical Engineering – University of Zaragoza (2009-2016).
  • His areas of scientific interest are: electrical network planning, renewable energy integration, and application of computing techniques (neural networks, fuzzy systems and heuristic optimization algorithms) in power systems.