Recent publications (2018-2024)
♦ Assessment of cross-border electricity interconnection projects using a MCDA method. Naval, N.; Yusta, J.M. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION. 2024. DOI:
♦ Trend-based multi-period decomposition and decoupling methodology for energy-related carbon dioxide emissions: A case study of Portugal. Rivera-Niquepa, Juan David; De Oliveira-De jesus, Paulo M.; Yusta, Jose M. UTILITIES POLICY. 2024. DOI:
♦ Optimal Power Dispatch for Maximum Energy Community Welfare by Considering Closed Distribution Systems and Renewable Sources. De Oliveira-De Jesus, P.; Yusta, J.M. ENERGIES. 2024. DOI:
♦ Phasing out steam methane reformers with water electrolysis in producing renewable hydrogen and ammonia: A case study based on the Spanish energy markets. Martínez Alonso, A.; Naval, N.; Matute, G.; Coosemans, T.; Yusta, J.M. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2024. DOI:
♦ Multi-state optimal power dispatch model for power-to-power systems in off-grid hybrid energy systems: A case study in Spain. Martínez Alonso, A.; Matute, G.;Yusta, J.M.; Coosemans, T. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2024. DOI:
♦ Methodology for selecting assessment periods of Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index decomposition techniques. Rivera-Niquepa, Juan David; Rojas-Lozano, Daniela; de Oliveira-de Jesus, Paulo M.; Yusta, Jose M. ENERGY STRATEGY REVIEWS. 2023. DOI:
♦ Optimal scheduling and management of pumped hydro storage integrated with grid-connected renewable power plants. Naval, Natalia; Yusta, Jose M.; Sánchez, Raul; Sebastián, Fernando. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE. 2023. DOI:
♦ Technical versus socio-economic and environmental criteria in power transmission projects. Naval, N.; Yusta, J.M. RENEWABLE ENERGY AND POWER QUALITY JOURNAL. 2023. DOI:
♦ Techno-economic model and feasibility assessment of green hydrogen projects based on electrolysis supplied by photovoltaic PPAs. G. Matute, Naval N., Yusta J.M., International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 48, Issue 13, February 2023, p. 5053-5068. DOI:
♦ Comparative assessment of different solar tracking systems in the optimal management of PV-operated pumping stations. Naval N., Yusta J.M. Renewable Energy, 2022. DOI:
♦ Decomposition analysis of the aggregate carbon intensity (ACI) of the power sector in Colombia, a multi-temporal analysis. Juan David Rivera, Daniela Rojas Lozano, Paulo Manuel De Oliveira, José María Yusta, Sustainability, 14, 13634, 2022.
♦ Characterising the security of power system topologies through a combined assessment of reliability, robustness, and resilience. Beyza J., Yusta J.M. Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 43, 100944, September 2022.
♦ Optimal dispatch model for PV-electrolysis plants in self-consumption regime to produce green hydrogen: A Spanish case study. G. Matute, J.M. Yusta, J. Beyza, C. Monteiro, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 47, Issue 60, July 2022, p. 25202-25213.
♦ Optimal cooperative model for the security of gas supply on European gas networks. Yusta J.M., Beyza J. Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 38, 100706, 2021.
♦ The effects of the high penetration of renewable energies on the reliability and vulnerability of interconnected electric power systems. Beyza J., Yusta J.M. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 215, no. 11, p. 107881, 2021.
♦ Virtual power plants models and electricity markets – A review. Naval N., Yusta J.M. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 149, 111393, 2021.
♦ Optimal short-term water-energy dispatch for pumping stations with grid-connected photovoltaic self-generation. Naval N., Yusta J.M. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 316, p.128386, 2021 (
♦ Multi-state techno-economic model for optimal dispatch of grid connected hydrogen electrolysis systems operating under dynamic conditions G. Matute, J.M. Yusta, J. Beyza, L.C. Correas, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (In Press) (
♦ A novel framework based on mixed-integer linear programming to restore a desintegrated power grid after cascading failures, Jesus Beyza, Jose M. Yusta, Hector F. Ruiz-Paredes, Eduardo Garcia-Paricio, IEEE Latin America Transactions, 2020, 100 (1e) (
♦ Assessing the impact of investments in cross-border pipelines on the security of gas supply in the EU, Yassine Rqiq, Jesus Beyza, Jose M. Yusta, Ricardo Bolado-Lavín, Energies, 2020, 13(11), 2913 (
♦ Impact assessment of gas shortages on the European power system under extreme weather conditions, Yassine Rqiq, Jose M. Yusta, 20th EEEIC, Madrid, June 2020 (
♦ Water-Energy Management for Demand Charges and Energy Cost Optimization of a Pumping Stations System under a Renewable Virtual Power Plant Model, Natalia Naval, Jose M. Yusta, Energies, 2020, 13(11), 2900 (
♦ A virtual power plant optimal dispatch model with large and small-scale distributed renewable generation. Naval, N., Sanchez. R, Yusta, J.M. Renewable Energy, 2019 (
♦ Security assessment of cross-border electricity interconnections, Beyza, J., Gil-Urra, P., Yusta, J.M., Masera, M., Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 201, September 2020 (
♦ Measuring the internationalization of the wind energy industry, Jose M. Yusta, Roberto Lacal-Arantegui, Renewable Energy, 2020 (
♦ Multitemporal LMDI Index Decomposition Analysis to Explain the Changes of ACI by the Power Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean between 1990–2017, Paulo M. De Oliveira-De Jesus, John J. Galvis, Daniela Rojas-Lozano, Jose M. Yusta, Energies 2020, 13(9), 2328 (
♦ Day-Ahead Optimal Battery Operation in Islanded Hybrid Energy Systems and Its Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Juan M. Lujano-Rojas, Jose M. Yusta, Jesus Sergio Artal-Sevil, Jose A. Dominguez-Navarro, Applied Sciences 2019, 9(23), 5221.
♦ Techno-economic modelling of water electrolysers in the range of several MW to provide grid services while generating hydrogen for different applications: a case study in Spain applied to mobility with FCEVs, Matute, G., Yusta, J.M., Correas, L.C., International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 44, Issue 33, 5 July 2019, 17431-17442 (
♦ Technology effects in repowering wind turbines. Lacal-Arantegui, R., Uihlein, A., Yusta, J.M. Wind Energy, 2019 (
♦ Geodesic Vulnerability Approach for the Identification of Critical Buses in Power Systems. Beyza, J., Garcia-Paricio, E., Ruiz-Paredes, Hector F., Yusta, J.M. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2020 (DOI: 10.35833/MPCE.2018.000779)
♦ Assessing the criticality of interdependent power and gas systems using complex networks and load flow techniques. Beyza, J., Ruiz-Paredes, Hector F., Garcia-Paricio, E., Yusta, J.M. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019. 10.1016/j.physa.2019.123169
♦ MCDM approach for the integrated assessment of vulnerability and reliability of power systems. Abedi, A., Beyza, J., Romerio, F., Dominguez-Navarro J.A., Yusta, J.M. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2019. 10.1049/iet-gtd.2018.6693
♦ Effect of interconnection lines on the vulnerability of power systems. Beyza, J., Dominguez-Navarro J.A., Yusta, J.M. 13th IEEE PowerTech, Milan (Italy), June 2019
♦ Advances in vulnerability assessment of coupled gas and electricity transmission networks by using graph theory. Yusta, J.M., Beyza, J., Dominguez-Navarro, J.A., Dufo, R., Bernal-Agustin, J.L. 56th ESReDA Seminar On Critical Services continuity, Resilience and Security, Linz (Austria), May 2019 (OPEN ACCESS)
♦ Ranking critical assets in interdependent energy transmission networks. Beyza, J., Garcia-Paricio, E., Yusta, J.M. Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 172, July 2019, Pages 242-252
♦ Applying Complex Network Theory to the Vulnerability Assessment of Interdependent Energy Infrastructures. Beyza, J., Garcia-Paricio, E., Yusta, J.M. Energies, Volume 12, Issue 3, 421, January 2019
♦ Mitigating Energy System Vulnerability by Implementing a Microgrid with a Distributed Control Algorithm, Lujano-Rojas, J.M., Yusta, J.M., Dominguez-Navarro, J.A., Energies, Volume 12, Issue 4, 616, January 2019
♦ Linear-analog transformation approach for coupled gas and power flow analysis. Beyza, J., Dominguez-Navarro, J.A., Yusta, J.M. Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 168, March 2019, p. 239-249
♦ Design of an electric vehicle fast-charging station with integration of renewable energy and storage systems. Dominguez-Navarro, J.A., Dufo-López, R., Yusta, J.M., Artal-Sevil, J.S., Bernal-Agustín, J.L. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 105 (2019) 46-58
♦ Probabilistic siting and sizing of energy storage systems in distribution power systems based on the islanding feature. Delgado-Antillón, C. P., Domínguez-Navarro, J. A. Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 155 (2018)
♦ Offshore wind installation: analysing the evidence behind improvements in installation time. Lacal-Arantegui, R., Yusta, J.M., Dominguez-Navarro, J.A. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018) 133–145
♦ Interdependencia entre infraestructuras energéticas: evaluación de la robustez de las redes de gas y electricidad ante amenazas deliberadas. Yusta, J.M., Beyza, J. Cristobal, I.R. DESEI+D 2018, Valladolid, Spain
♦ Robustness Assessment of Interdependent Gas and Electric Power Transmission Systems Against Cyber Threats. Yusta, J.M., Beyza, J. IEEE SMART GRID Newsletter, October 2018
♦ Robustness Assessment of the Expansion of Coupled Electric Power and Natural Gas Networks Under Cascading Failures. Beyza, J., Yusta, J.M. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume 12, Issue 21, November 2018, p. 5753 – 5760
♦ Cascading Failures in Coupled Gas and Electricity Transmission Systems. Beyza, J., Correa-Henao, G.J., Yusta, J.M. IEEE Andescon 2018, Cali, Colombia
♦ Vulnerability Assessment of a Large Electrical Grid by New Graph Theory Approach. Beyza, J., Yusta, J.M. IEEE Latin America Transactions Vol. 16, No. 2 (2018) 527-535
Previous publications
♦ Stochastic-heuristic methodology for the optimisation of components and control variables of PV-wind-diesel-battery stand-alone systems, Rodolfo Dufo-López, Iván R. Cristóbal-Monreal, Jose M. Yusta. Renewable Energy 99 (2016) 919-935
♦ Optimisation of PV-wind-diesel-battery stand-alone systems to minimise cost and maximise human development index and job creation, Rodolfo Dufo-López, Iván R. Cristóbal-Monreal, Jose M. Yusta. Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 280–293
♦ Producción, Reservas y Sostenibilidad de la Energía en Venezuela, J.C. Rojas-Zerpa, J.M. Yusta. Revista Digital de la Facultad de Ingenierías “Lámpsakos”, Medellín, Colombia (download)
♦ Application of multicriteria decision methods for electric supply planning in rural and remote areas, Juan Carlos Rojas-Zerpa, J. M. Yusta. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 557–571
♦ Representation of electric power systems by complex networks with applications to risk vulnerability assessment, G. J. Correa, J. M. Yusta. DYNA 82 (192) (2015) 68–77
♦ Peer Mentoring at the University Level: The Importance of Organization, J. M. Yusta et al. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 196 (2015), 233-236
♦ Seguridad energética y protección de infraestructuras críticas, G.J. Correa, J.M. Yusta. Revista Digital de la Facultad de Ingenierías “Lámpsakos”, Medellín, Colombia
♦ Methodologies, technologies and applications for electric supply planning in rural and remote areas,Juan Carlos Rojas-Zerpa, J. M. Yusta. Energy for Sustainable Development 20 (2014) 66-76
♦ Structural Vulnerability in Transmission Systems: Cases of Colombia and Spain, G.J. Correa, J.M. Yusta. Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 408-418
♦ Using Interconnected Risk Maps to Assess the Threats Faced by Electricity Infrastructures, G.J. Correa, J.M. Yusta, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 6 (2013) 197–216
♦ Grid Vulnerability Analysis Based on Scale-Free Graphs versus Power Flow Models. G.J. Correa, J.M. Yusta. Electric Power Systems Research 101 (2013) 71-79.
♦ Distribution power flow method based on a real quasi-symmetric matrix. P.M. De Oliveira-De Jesus, M.A. Alvarez, J.M. Yusta. Electric Power Systems Research 95 (2013) 148–159
♦ Opportunity costs for bioelectricity sales in Brazilian sucro-energetic industries. Edson F. Grisi, Jose M.Yusta, Rodolfo Dufo-López. Applied Energy 92 (2012) 860-867
♦ Multi-objective optimization minimizing cost and life cycle emissionss of stand-alone PV–wind–diesel systems with batteries storage. Rodolfo Dufo-López, José L. Bernal-Agustín, José M. Yusta, José A. Domínguez-Navarro, Ignacio J. Ramírez-Rosado, Juan Lujano, Ismael Aso. Applied Energy 88 (2011) 4033-4041
♦ Methodologies and applications for critical infrastructure protection. J.M. Yusta, G.J. Correa-Henao, Roberto Lacal-Arántegui. Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6100–6119
♦ Cost assessment of efficiency losses in hydroelectric plants. J.C. Galvis, A. Padilha-Feltrin, J.M. Yusta. Electric Power Systems Research 81 (2011) 1866– 1873
♦ Operating reserve pricing of hydraulic generators in a competitive framework. J.C. Galvis, A. Padilha-Feltrin, J.M. Yusta. Controle Autom., Volume 5, Issue 21 (2010) 439– 453
A Short-term Scheduling for the Optimal Operation of Biorefineries. E.F. Grisi, J.M. Yusta, H.M. Khodr. Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 447–456
♦ Optimal methodology for a machining process scheduling in spot electricity markets. J.M. Yusta, F. Torres, H.M. Khodr. Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2647–2654.
♦ Threats to security of spanish energetic supply. J.M. Yusta,Inteligencia y Seguridad: Revista de Análisis y Prospectiva, nº 6, Plaza y Valdés, Junio 2009, Pags. 223-252 (in spanish)
♦ Optimal energy exchange of an industrial cogeneration in a day-ahead electricity market. J.M. Yusta, P.M. De Oliveira-De Jesus, H.M. Khodr, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 78, Issue 10, October 2008, Pages 1764-1772
♦ Maximum savings approach for location and sizing of capacitors in distribution systems. H.M. Khodr, F.G. Olsina, P.M. De Oliveira-De Jesus, J.M. Yusta, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 78, Issue 7, July 2008, Pages 1192-1203
♦ Optimal pricing of default customers in electrical distribution systems: Effect behavior performance of demand response models. J.M. Yusta, H.M. Khodr, A.J. Urdaneta, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 77, Issues 5-6, April 2007, Pages 548-558
♦ Optimal electricity price calculation model for retailers in a deregulated market. J.M. Yusta, I.J. Ramírez-Rosado, J.A. Dominguez-Navarro, J.M. Perez-Vidal, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 27, Issues 5-6, June-July 2005, Pages 437-447
♦ Uniform Marginal Pricing for the Remuneration of Distribution Networks. Jesus, P.M.D.O.-D.; de Leao, M.T.P.; Yusta, J.M.; Khodr, H.M.; Urdaneta, A.J.; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 20, Issue 3, Aug. 2005, Pages: 1302 – 1310
♦ Integral planning of primary-secondary distribution systems using mixed integer linear programming. Paiva, P.C.; Khodr, H.M.; Dominguez-Navarro, J.A.; Yusta, J.M.; Urdaneta, A.J.; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 20, Issue 2, May 2005, Pages: 1134 – 1143
♦ Ant colony system algorithm for the planning of primary distribution circuits. Gomez, J.F.; Khodr, H.M.; De Oliveira, P.M.; Ocque, L.; Yusta, J.M.; Villasana, R.; Urdaneta, A.J.; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 19, Issue 2, May 2004, Pages: 996 – 1004
♦ A probabilistic methodology for distribution substation location. Khodr, H.M.; Melian, J.A.; Quiroz, A.J.; Picado, D.C.; Yusta, J.M.; Urdaneta, A.J.; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 18, Issue 1, Feb. 2003, Pages: 388 – 393
♦ Standard levels of energy losses in primary distribution circuits for SCADA application. Khodr, H.M.; Molea, J.; Garcia, I.; Hidalgo, C.; Paiva, P.C.; Yusta, J.M.; Urdaneta, A.J.; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 17, Issue 3, Aug. 2002, Pages: 615 – 620
♦ A linear programming methodology for the optimization of electric power-generation schemes. Khodr, H.M.; Gomez, J.F.; Barnique, L.; Vivas, J.H.; Paiva, P.; Yusta, J.M.; Urdaneta, A.J.; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 17, Issue 3, Aug. 2002, Pages: 864 – 869
♦ Pricing impact of embedded generation in radial distribution systems. ; Yusta, J.M.; Khodr, H.M.; Bernal, J.L. Ciência & engenharia, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2000, Pages: 109 – 114