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EINA, University of Zaragoza     Dept. of Electrical Engineering       C/ Maria de Luna 3
50018 Zaragoza, Spain

Email                             jmyusta@unizar.es  jadona@unizar.es

Phone: +34 976 761 922

PhD students

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in joining our lab as a PhD student, sending an email to jmyusta@unizar.es


Current PhD students

Fatmah Alkandari [2025- ]  Water-energy-food-ecosystem

Lizbeth Tipán Salazar  [2024- ]  Optimal techno-economic operation of renewables and energy storage for direct electricity supply to energy-intensive industrial consumers

Juan Romero Martínez [2024- ]  Modelling of closed-loop reversible hydroelectric pumping systems

Luz Elena Maldonado [2024- ]  Multicriteria decision-making for renewables and energy storage projects

Sebastián García Sepúlveda [2023- ]  Management models and optimal techno-economic operation of front-the-meter electrical storage systems


Former PhD students

Juan David Rivera Niquepa  Carbon dioxide emissions time-series assessment in the context of Index Decomposition Analysis – Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (IDA-LMDI)  [2025]

Víctor Ballestín-Bernad  Robust design optimization of electric machines [2023]

Tania-Beatriz Lopez-Garcia  Control based on machine learning of power systems with multiple renewable energy sources [2023]

Yassine Rqiq  Mathematical models for the optimal management of transnational gas and electricity systems in situations of supply crisis  [2023]

Natalia Naval  Development and application of a virtual power plant model for integration of multiple renewable sources of distributed generation and electricity demand in the primary sector  [2021]

Guillermo Matute  Techno-economic model for the integration of electrolysers in power grids through the provision of ancillary services in the hydrogen production for different uses in the European Union [2021]

Roberto Lacal-Arantegui   Techno-economic aspects of wind energy deployment  [2021]

Jesus Beyza  Vulnerability assessment of interdependent gas and electricity transmission systems  [2020]

Ivan R. Cristobal  Optimization of isolated hybrid systems powered by renewable energy sources [2017]

Carmen Patricia Delgado-Antillón  Integración de energías renovables: almacenamiento y redes de distribución radiales [2013]

José-Lucinio Atencio-Guerra  Integración de energía eólica en sistemas con generación hidroeléctrica mayoritaria [2013]

Gabriel J. Correa-Henao  Identification and evaluation of threats to the security of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructures [2012]

Juan Carlos Rojas-Zerpa  Power supply planning in rural areas of developing countries: a reference framework for decision making [2012]

Bizuayehu Abebe-Worke  GIS renewable resources assessment resources assessment and optimization for the electrification of autonomous regions [2012]

Alberto Coronado-Mendoza  Modelado y simulación dinámica de micro-redes con energías renovables utilizando la técnica de fasores dinámicos [2011]

Edson F. Grisi  Optimal management of the operation of sucroenergetic industries in electricity markets [2010]

Juan C. Galvis  Valorization of reserve ancillary services in hydroelectric generators [2010]

Carlos Ponce-Corral  Planificación óptima de la generación distribuida en redes de distribución de energía eléctrica [2010]

Durval De Almeida-Souza  Mejora de la eficiencia en los generadores empleados en parques eólicos utilizando controladores Fuzzy adaptativos [2010]

Yuri-Ulianov Lopez-Castrillón  Small signal stability on power systems with high wind power penetration [2010]

Hans Bludszuweit  Reduction of the Uncertainty of Wind Power Predictions Using Energy Storage [2009]